Creating requirements for growth of awareness
Many people grow towards a different state of awareness nowadays. More and more people receive the insight that the world and the people around them are only a reflection of themselves. The inner energy with which man thinks, feels, wants and acts is like a magnet that attracts similar energy. In the area of relations this will come forward as being accepted or rejected. In the financial area it will show itself in more or less income. Physically, it will be through becoming healthier or unhealthier. And on the level of awareness it will show through feeling more or less one with God, the source, unity.
This process is automatic. If the energy that you radiate doesn't correspond to what you desire, your desire will not be fulfilled. If, for example, you are frantically looking for a partner because you're looking for love that you don't give to yourself, the chances are that you will be rejected or that you attract a partner that doesn't love you.
It's all about the energy from which you live. If you can manage to be optimistic, helpful, clear, friendly, spontaneous and thankful, good things will come to you automatically.
Constricting factors for growth of awareness in your living area
I wrote the above as a context, to explain something about the energy in which man lives.
On earth, conflicts have happened through all centuries that have left an imprint on the physical place where it happened. If you live in an area that has known many negative experiences, the energy in that place will be disrupted. This can happen in many ways. For example because of electromagnetic radiation, water veins or earth rays, by people who have passed away that are still connected to the earth. But also because of a psychic trauma of the event that has anchored itself to the earth, as it were (for example a ware, a fight, a prison).
Many different factors can conglomerate on this place and strengthen the negative energy.
Should you live in such a place, it could mean that it's harder for you to remain positive. I've often seen that people who naturally have an open heart and a good energy have to work very hard to improve the energy where they lived. Sometimes, the people in the family couldn't reach each other socially, kept being closed off towards each other without any clear reason. Or people couldn't relax and didn't sleep well at home. Some people even were chronically ill.
While these people were already working very hard, they also had to deal with the “regular” challenges that life offers.
Improving the energy where you live
To be able to keep a positive energy and thus create positive experiences more easily, it is important that the place where you live has a good energy, where you can relax and re-charge.
There are a couple of things that you can do to improve the energy in your house.
- It's important that, no matter what, you accept and appreciate the place where you live, that you accept the way it is in this moment. Everything has an awareness, so does your house, and by being thankful for it you can improve the energy.
- Trusting your feelings, you can create a triangle of crystals in your house. The triangle is a sort of blueprint for shape, and crystals represent positive cosmic energy in earthly shape. For example, a triangle of rose quartz, rhinestone and amethyst. You can also replace the rose quartz with black tourmaline. But if you have any other crystals, you can try them by just trusting your feelings in this.
- In general, it's better to sleep with your head towards the South and not towards the North.
- There are many other things that can improve the energy, like for example plants or flowers, natural materials, photos of saints.
- Doing a meditation or prayer with a group of people to ask for improvement of the energy, and in the strength of togetherness thanking all energies in the direct environment.
- Healing your relationships, especially the one with your parents. If you heal pain in yourself, you will create a more stable base and security in yourself and you will cause a better flow of the energy around you, including the ones in your house.
- To strengthen all of this, you can make use of products that improve the energy in your house. You will live in a field that continually supports you to have a positive awareness and that transforms negative energies by itself.
I have a lot of experience with energetic work myself. Through my own experience I have also decided to provide several products. The different vitaliser products are very strong because they have a large mass.
The vitaliser products of Vibrant Water send out energy that increases the (inner) awareness people, as well as the ability to transform. This encourages the spiritualization in both people and the earth, so that it allows people to connect to their original source of Light more easily and quicker.
The products can serve as a sort of passage for higher awareness that helps people heal. Through the vitaliser, healing takes place on different levels, the energy flows again and through the energy plate the connection to the earth will be healed, protection against radiation is provided and it
has a strong effect on the physical and ethereal body. With the energy plate, there are specific exercises to help heal physical and mental issues. The energy bracelet and ring help with finding your centre and dissolve resistances.
Mankind is a creature that is connected to a oneness of consciousness, the divine in themselves, but also to matter and heaviness in the form of negative emotion. From this oneness of consciousness in himself, in the heart, man is enabled to look through the negative emotions, the fear and the heaviness, and to find a state of resolution every time. This way, liberation happens, both individually and collectively. In seeing this, there is automatic freedom and letting go.
The destination and fulfilment of the soul.
Kind regards, Jay Uijtttewaal
Different vitalisers to improve water and energy in the house and environment
The energy plate for grounding, radiation protection and healing